Make A Contribution
Since 1972, live theatre at Sterling Farms has thrived through the generous support of individuals, businesses, foundations and more. Each year we produce 10 to 12 full scale productions providing high quality, affordable live entertainment right here at Sterling Farms nearly every weekend of the year.
With the support we receive from loyal patrons and subscribers, it’s no wonder we’ve been voted Fairfield County’s BEST LOCAL THEATRE GROUP for 10 consecutive years! We’ve also been named BEST PERFORMING ARTS GROUP by the readers of StamfordPlus Magazine every year they’ve done the contest. And, most importantly, at the State level, we were recognized with The Governor’s Award for Excellence in Culture & Tourism 2011 and the 2016 ACE Award for Excellence from the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County.
Contributions help underwrite the various youth activities we provide each year, especially our Summer Youth Theatre program, which provides nearly 100 area students approximately 100 hours of program time for a minimal registration fee of only $50.00.
Beyond the live performances we will continue:
- Educating thousands of students through arts education classes on site and through various outreach programs.
- Increasing area volunteerism by coordinating hundreds of volunteers, including those who perform on our stages.* Partnering with other area non-profit organizations to make the best use possible of donor dollars.But we can’t do any of it without you. As with all non-profit theatres, ticket revenue only covers a portion of our total operating expenses. Our Annual Appeal provides the essential operational support for our affordable and ever-growing programming, as well as maintaining/improving our two venues: The Kweskin Theatre and The Dressing Room Theatre.
We deeply appreciate your support and ask that you please make a contribution to ensure that the performing arts in our community continue to thrive. Thank you for making Curtain Call the busiest and most vibrant community-based theatre around. Rest assured that we do not share or sell our contributor lists with any other organizations.
Ted Yudain
Chair, Board of Directors
Lou Ursone
Executive Director
P.S. We appreciate that you may receive many requests for funding, many from worthwhile causes, but please continue to support the Arts. Our programs directly benefit our community on so many levels. Plus your gift is completely tax-deductible to the full extent of the law!
P.P.S. Now giving is easier than ever! Donate on our secure site. It’s easy and saves on postage!

Our Supporters
Angels (($10,000 – $24,999)
Executive Producers ($5,000 – $9,999)
Producers ($2,000 – $4,999)
Program Directors ($500 – $1,999)
Make Great Theatre a Part of Your Legacy
You can perpetuate your love of theatre through a legacy gift to support the ongoing programs of Curtain Call. Planned gifts to Curtain Call, Inc. qualify for the Federal Estate Tax Charitable Deduction. By including Curtain Call in your estate plans, you will be assuring your own legacy by securing the theatre’s history for future generations. Planned giving allows you the satisfaction of contributing to the important, on-going, and future work of Curtain Call, while providing significant tax and financial benefits to you and your heirs. You can enjoy the benefits of recognition now and know that your legacy will provide artistic excellence for generations to come.
Planned giving helps you balance your charitable interests with your financial goals. Because certain types of planned giving can minimize estate and capital gains taxes, provide sizable income tax deductions as well as generate income streams, planned giving permits individuals to support their favorite charities while simultaneously obtaining financial benefits for themselves and other beneficiaries.
Once you match your objectives with the proper gifting vehicle, planned giving allows you the satisfaction of realizing your charitable intent, while continuing to implement the financial plans you have developed for yourself and your family. Given the numerous approaches to planned giving, Curtain Call encourages you to contact your own financial advisor or attorney for further advice, so that you can select the planned giving option that is perfect for you.