Curtain Call's SYT Chipotle Fundraiser:
Saturday April 5 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm

Dear Friends,

We humbly ask you to show your support by participating in our CURTAIN CALL’S SUMMER YOUTH THEATRE CHIPOTLE FUNDRAISER, Saturday, April 5 between the hours of 4:00pm and 8:00pm at their High Ridge Road location: 1207 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06905.

All you need to do is visit the High Ridge location between 4:00pm and 8:00pm April 5, and show the cashier our digital or paper flyer prior to paying. Online pickup orders also count if you use the Promo Code MCTMVVC on the Chipotle app or website. (NOTE: it will NOT count if you order thru Grub Hub, Uber Eats, or another delivery app. You must place your order for pickup through the Chipotle app or website from the 1207 High Ridge Road location.) 

Purchases of gift cards will not count towards donations to Curtain Call’s Summer Youth Theatre.

For more information or questions, contact our Education Director Brian Bianco at or 203-329-8207 x700.

Any support you may give will help us provide a joyful and fabulously creative experience this summer!


Brian J. Bianco

Education Director and SYT Producer

Summer Youth Theatre

Now entering its 35th summer, Curtain Call’s Summer Youth Theatre has provided creative opportunities for young theatre artists both on stage and behind the scenes. To participate, you must be entering 4th grade in the 2025/2026 school year through no older than age 21: must not turn 22 before (cutoff for 2025 TBA). Participation is by audition and crew sign-up only. Summer Youth Theatre is NOT a part of Curtain Call’s Summerstock Workshops.

Curtain Call’s Summer Youth Theatre is NOT a workshop program and is a separate and independent program from Curtain Call’s Summerstock Workshops. Participation is by audition and crew sign-up only. There is a $50 participation fee (discounts for siblings and scholarships for those who qualify), payable only if your child is cast or accepted onto our production crew.

Rehearsals are generally held Monday to Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 9:30pm and some weekends during the day, typically beginning the second week of June. Crew work days are typically Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00 or 3:00pm (occasionally as late as 4:00pm), beginning in late June. Tech weekend is the weekend before the production opens, and there are rehearsals and work days scheduled for both days cast and crew. (Tech Sunday is an all-day rehearsal (10:00am to 11:00pm) with dinner provided. Overall, the program provides over 100 hours of creative enrichment for young actors and technicians.

Curtain Call announces its 35th Summer Youth Theatre production






Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn tells the story of Jim, who leaves the bright lights of show business behind to settle down on his farmhouse in Connecticut… but life just isn’t the same without a bit of song and dance. Jim’s luck takes a spectacular turn when he meets Linda, a spirited schoolteacher with talent to spare. Together they turn the farmhouse into a fabulous inn with dazzling performances to celebrate each holiday, from Thanksgiving to the Fourth of July. But when Jim’s best friend Ted tries to lure Linda to Hollywood to be his new dance partner, will Jim be able to salvage his latest chance at love?

Based on the classic film, this joyous musical features thrilling dance numbers, laugh-out-loud comedy and a parade of hit Irving Berlin songs, including “Blue Skies,” “Easter Parade,” “Steppin’ Out With My Baby,” “Heat Wave,” “White Christmas,” “Be Careful, It’s My Heart,” “Cheek to Cheek,” “Shaking the Blues Away” and many more! (*Please do NOT look at the 1942 film as a reference as it contains some numbers and plot points that are NOT part of the Broadway musical. The stage version is different.)

*There is a $50 participation fee for those selected for our cast and crew. (Siblings are $25 after the first child.) This fee is due upon the start of rehearsals/crew work days.


Auditions & Crew Sign-Ups: TBD (Sometime in late May, either just before or around Memorial Day.) Audition Sign-Ups are DAY OF. You will be seen in the order in which you sign in. All roles are open and available. You will first be asked to sing, and then learn a brief dance combination. Please prepare 16 to 32 bars of a classic standard song (no contemporary styles, please – meaning NO rock, pop, hip-hop, soul, or R&B), and dress comfortably to be able to dance. NO sandals, flip-flops, Birkenstocks, open-toed shoes, Crocs, Heelys, Uggs, or bare/stocking feet. Once you have sung and danced for the directors, you will be free to go. If we need to see you for Callbacks, we will contact you directly and let you know what to prepare for us. If you DO NOT receive a callback is does NOT mean we aren’t considering you. 

First Company Meeting: TBD – a Saturday in early June from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Our first 30 minutes will consist of an informational meeting for parents and participants about the production commitment and expectations. The last two-and-a-half hours will be spent in either a Read Thru of the show, or Company Bonding Games and Exercises.

Rehearsals: Monday to Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 9:30pm, and some weekends (Saturday or Sunday during the afternoon) beginning June 9. NO CONFLICTS WILL BE PERMITTED AS OF JULY 21. ALL CAST MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE FROM JULY 21 THRU CLOSING. Please also do not audition if you will be missing more than one week’s-worth of rehearsal at any point.

Sitz Probe Rehearsal: Saturday, August 2 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. ALL CAST REQUIRED.

Tech Sunday: August 3 – cast called from 1:00pm to 11:00pm for cue to cue and run thru. Dinner will be provided by Curtain Call. ALL CAST REQUIRED.

Dress Rehearsals: August 4 to 7 – cast called 6:00/6:30pm. End time is no later than 11:00pm. ALL CAST REQUIRED.

Performances: August 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 at 7:30pm and August 10 at 2:00pm. (Cast called 60 to 90 minutes prior to show time.) ALL CAST REQUIRED.

Strike and Tear Down: August 17 from 10:30am to usually 2:30pm the latest.


Auditions & Crew Sign-Ups: TBD (Sometime in late May, either just before or around Memorial Day.) We encourage crew members to sign up in person, but if you are unable to come down during auditions, an online version of our sign-up form will be made available.

First Company Meeting: TBD – a Saturday in early June from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Our first 30 minutes will consist of an informational meeting for parents and participants about the production commitment and expectations. The last two-and-a-half hours will be spent in either a Read Thru of the show, or Company Bonding Games and Exercises. We’d like for our cast and crew to get to know each other as early on in the process as possible, as your paths won’t often cross again until late July.

Crew Work Days: Set building work, etc. will take place during the week from 10:00am to 5:00pm for those who are able to join us, but also Saturdays between 10am and 4pm beginning June 21. If you are unable to participate on our Running Crew for performances, you may still work with us on building, painting, costuming, etc. in the weeks leading up to Opening.

Final Run Thrus: July 28 to 31 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Our Running Crew will join us for rehearsals to begin learning the show and how it’s many technical pieces will operate. ALL RUNNING CREW REQUIRED.

Dry Tech Day: Saturday, August 2 from 10:00am to 6:00pm. ALL RUNNING CREW REQUIRED.

Tech Sunday: August 3 – crew called from 11:00am to 11:00pm for cue to cue and run thru. There will be a lunch break. Crew should bring their own lunch or can purchase food at the grill. Dinner will be provided by Curtain Call. ALL RUNNING CREW REQUIRED.

Dress Rehearsals: August 4 to 7 – crew called 5:30pm. End time is no later than 11:00pm. ALL RUNNING CREW REQUIRED.

Performances: August 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 at 7:30pm and August 10 at 2:00pm. (Crew called two hours prior to show time.) ALL RUNNING CREW REQUIRED.

Strike and Tear Down: August 17 from 10:30am to usually 2:30pm the latest.