Written by Aaron Sorkin
Director – Debra Lee Failla
This Broadway hit about the trial of two Marines for complicity in the death of a fellow Marine at Guantanamo Bay sizzles on stage. The Navy lawyer, a callow young man more interested in softball games than the case, expects a plea bargain and a cover-up of what really happened. Prodded by a female member of his defense team, the lawyer eventually makes a valiant effort to defend his clients and, in so doing, puts the military mentality and the Marine code of honor on trial. (Includes adult language…may not be appropriate for those under 16.)
March 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 at 7:30pm
March 9, 16, 23 at 2:00pm
THE CAST: (Names in gold denote Curtain Call debut.)
Adam Bloom – Lt. j.g. Daniel Kaffee
Austin Carnes – Capt. Jack Ross
Danny Charest – Lt. Col. Nathan Jessep
Robert Failla – “Pfc. William T. Santiago “
Charlie Harper – Pfc Louden Downey
James Hobayan – Cpl. Hammaker
Dean Kapica – Lt jg Sam Weinberg
Eric Marquez – Cmndr Walter Stone
Jim Muthersbaugh – Capt. Isaac Whitaker
Paul Naclerio – Capt Matthew Markinson
Chris Nardi – Tom
Ethan Parsons – Lt Jonathan Kendrick
Rachel Rosado – Lt. Cmdr Joanne Galloway
Charlie Scatamacchia – Capt Julius Randolph
Hunter Smith – Lance Cpl Harold Dawson
Seth Von Schmidt – Cpl. Dunn
Cameron Tyler – Cpl. Jeffrey Howard