Written by Agatha Christie
Directed by Joel Fenster

Audition Dates: Monday June 17 & Wednesday June 19
7pm to approximately 9pm

Rehearsals Start Monday August 5

Performances September 19 through October 13
(Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays @ 7:30pm/Sundays @ 2pm)

Based on her 1939 novel which is the world’s best selling mystery and the sixth best selling title of all time in any language. Christie adapted it for the stage herself in 1943.

This stage version utilizes the 1939 ending of the novel taken from Dame Agatha’s own words.

A mysterious invitation arrives and ten strangers are summoned to a luxurious mansion on a remote island off the coast of Devon. Upon arrival, the guests soon realize not everything is as it seems and, as a storm crashes over the island, a more sinister plot begins to develop making the reason that they have all been gathered terrifyingly clear.

Characters are listed in reverse of the order they die within the play. Description in Bold Italics are from Dame Agatha’s description from the front of a 1977 Pocket Paperback book (54th Printing). All ethnicities welcome and encouraged.

Vera Elizabeth Claythorne (Female presenting, early 20’s to early 30’s) – An ex-governess with a Coroner’s Inquest in her past. She had been complete absolved of all guilt, even the boy’s mother hadn’t blamed her. She is a strong young woman, but occasionally succumbs to her nerves and is particularly affected by the poem about the “Ten Little Soldiers.” She is accused of causing the death of a boy she cared for as a nanny.

Captain Philip Lombard (Male presenting, mid 20’s to mid 30’s) – A soldier of fortune whose past didn’t bear close examination. He is the only one who thought it necessary to bring a gun to the island. A mysterious, confident, adventurer, Lombard is bolder and wittier than most of the other characters. He has a strong connection with Vera. He abandoned 21 men in the jungle to save his own life.

William Henry Blore (Male presenting, 40+) – The blunt, bear-like ex-C.I.D. man tries to pass himself off as an Army Colonel but when the game was up, he amused himself by suspecting everyone else’s motives. A former police inspector, they come to the island undercover but is quickly discovered. They makes mistakes throughout the play and believes guilt of the wrong people. They gave misleading testimony in court causing an innocent man to die in prison.

Sir Lawrence John Wargrave (Male presenting, 60+) – A reptilian old man known in the press and the courts as “The Hanging Judge” has the blood of countless prisoners on his hands. How many of them were innocent? An acting leader of the group, he does what he can to organize a plan of attack and get as much info about the circumstances as he can. He takes charge but struggles with his own dark past and tendencies. He gave the death penalty to a defendant whom a trial jury believed to be innocent.

Dr. Edward George Armstrong/Dr. Edwina Georgette Armstrong (Male or female presenting, late 40’s to late 50’s) – At first, the physician was a convenient dispenser of sedatives and diagnostician of causes of death, but later the others remembered that they were the only one who had any easy access to poison. A target for suspicion right off the bat because of their extensive medical knowledge. They are  a recovering alcoholic and somewhat timid. Although professionally successful, the doctor can be incredibly gullible. They operated on a patient while intoxicated, causing her death.

Emily Caroline Brent (Female presenting, 60+) – Sixty-something spinster whose troubled dreams and rambling diary were the only indications of a disturbed and perhaps dangerous mind. One of the few characters who feels no guilt about the crimes that she was accused of. She is unapologetically religious and believes the others will have to face judgment for their sins. She turned out a serving girl after discovering she was pregnant out of wedlock, and the girl committed suicide.

Thomas Rogers (Male presenting, late 30’s to early 50’s) – The stammering butler (and his wife) had been the perfect servant as the others learned when circumstances forced them to fend for themselves. As the butler, Rogers serves the rest of the group and even continues his duties as long as he can. He is very concerned about his wife revealing information about their crime.

General John Gordon MacKenzie (Male presenting, 65+) – His life, as far as he was concerned, had ended during the war. He told anyone who would listen that he would never leave the island alive. An older guest, MacKenzie is one of the first guests who doesn’t become distraught when the deaths are out in the open. He gives in and resigns himself to death early on and speaks of joining his dead wife, whose lover died while under his command in WWI.

Ethel Rogers (Female presenting, late 30’s to early 50’s) – The pale, bloodless cook (and her husband) had been a perfect servant as the others learned when circumstances forced them to fend for themselves. Rogers’ wife. Ethel is a frightened woman, in much distress. She and her husband are accused of allowing a woman in their care to die unaided.

Anthony James Marston/Antoinette Jane Marston (Male or female presenting, early to mid 20’s) – Like a young, bronzed god/goddess, they came careening into everyone’s lives as if they would live forever. Their stunning strength proves pitifully inadequate against that of their unknown adversary. A rich and spoiled young person. Marston likes to drive recklessly and seems to lack a conscience. They killed two small children in a car accident caused by their speeding but shows no remorse.

Fred Narracott (Male or female presenting, any age 20+) – Like Charon fearing the Styx, they motored the doomed group to the island. Feeling it a queer business indeed since the group seemed such a dull, ill-assorted lot. Island caretaker, brings food to the island and transports the guests to and from the mainland. Makes three appearances in the show; the start of the show, a second time in Act 1: Scene 1, and at the very end of the show.